Our Grow in Love Parish Programme for Children preparing for First Confession & First Holy Communion 2023/24
Parents/Guardians and children are invited to attend the 10.30am Sunday Mass, St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen, for Enniskillen schools & 9.30am St Mary's Church, Lisbellaw, for Tattygar Primary, on the dates listed below.
Each P.4 child will receive a Grow in Love Folder with the Parish leaflets, which will be used during Mass, so don’t forget your folder! There are activities to complete at home each month.
Attendance at Mass is obligatory for all children preparing for First Confession & Holy Communion. We take an attendance roll for the Grow in Love Mass each month. If for some good reason, you cannot attend, please email Fr Raymond on: raymonddonnelly1@gmail.com to explain.
After the first Grow in Love Mass, each child will receive a registration form for Holy Communion from the class teacher. Please return this form when attending the Enrolment Mass on Sunday 12th November.
God bless,
Fr Raymond.